Mirabilia Network Association – European UNESCO Sites


Project site

Context and objectives of the project:

The “MIRABILIA NETWORK” Association connects common areas of significant historical, cultural and environmental importance. It is a non profit association, and the Chambers of Commerce and all the structures of the Italian Chamber of Commerce system can join it. National business associations, bodies, organizations, companies, public and private bodies, representative of the tourism sectors and districts and related sectors interested in their promotion and development, can also join.

The Association promotes cultural tourism, food and wine and supply chains aimed at enhancing the territories through an integrated tourist offer of “lesser known” UNESCO sites, which makes the connection between touristic territories, culturally and artistically united by UNESCO recognition, visible and usable. It intends to support “another Italy”, the one that is proposed to an international audience by connecting the peculiarities that contribute to a surplus with respect to an increasingly targeted demand for new travelers.

The Association aims to integrate the multiplicity of experiences in the tourism, culture and services sectors, also promoting an exchange of skills in social and economic development processes, with reference to the following axes:
– Environment – Green
– Artistic craftsmanship
– Food and wine
– Cultural Tourism
– School-work alternation


Among the aims of the Association is that of creating business opportunities between supply and demand in the tourism sector and in the sectors closely connected to it, agri-food and artistic craftsmanship by implementing specific B2B actions, training, business digitalization, development of technological applications. , educational tours, planning of tourist itineraries also on specific themes (eg religious paths…), actions to enhance artistic craftsmanship, actions aimed at the establishment of the European MIRABILIA network of Unesco sites, interventions aimed at creating a network between CCIAA and schools with the aim of promoting knowledge of the territories and accommodation facilities of the adhering provinces.


Mirabilia, in its intent to expand its area of ​​action to Europe, naturally starts from the countries bordering Italy, looking at the Macroregions recognized by the European Union.

The Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of Commerce is a network of 40 chamber bodies from Italy, Albania, Croatia, Bosnia Herzegovina, Greece, Montenegro, Serbia, Slovenia operating since 2001 and recognized by the European Commission as one of the main stakeholders in the area.

Mirabilia and Forum AIC, on the occasion of the last plenary session held in Matera in 2019, entered into a memorandum of understanding aimed at developing a close collaboration between the two associations, with the goal of promoting exchanges and jointly managing promotional activities of Unesco sites located in the Countries belonging to the Adriatic-Ionian Macro Region.

For the Memorandum of Understanding, consult this page!

References and contacts:

E-mail address: segreteria.forum@marche.camcom.it