To better coordinate the activities and based on the results of the reciprocal knowledge, common topics were identified and six thematic Workgroups were created starting from 2006: Agriculture, Environment, Fisheries and Aquaculture, Tourism, Transports and Women entrepreneurship.
Since these workgroups deal specifically with the themes of the EUSAIR Pillars a new thematic workgroups organization was made for the purpose of getting them coherent and more in line with the EUSAIR Pillars.)
Since these workgroups deal specifically with the themes of the EUSAIR Pillars a new thematic workgroups organization was made for the purpose of getting them coherent and more in line with the EUSAIR Pillars.)
Secretariat Workgroup on Sustainable Toursim
Durres Chamber of Commerce
Rruga Aleksander Goga, Pall. “Borova”,Kutia Postare – 220 DURRES (ALBANIA)
Contact person for the Workgroup: Xheni Kurti
phone: +35552222199
e-mail: info@ccidr.al
Croatian Chamber of Economy
2, Rooseveltov trg – 10000 ZAGREB (CROAZIA)
phone: 003851/4561713
Split Chamber of Economy
Obala A. Trumbica, 4 – 21000 SPLIT (CROAZIA)
Contact person for the Workgroup: Nataša Bušić
phone: +385 021321118
e-mail: nbusic@hgk.hr
Reports and final documents of the Workgroup on Tourism.
3112, 2014