We are pleased to invite you to participate in the AI-NURECC + Conference “DEVELOPMENT MODELS FOR CREATIVE AND CULTURAL INDUSTRIES IN THE ADRIATIC-IONIAN REGION”, which will be held on the 28th of February 2022.




Organized by Forum of the Adriatic and Ionian Chambers of CommerceUniAdrion and FAIC, partners of the Adriatic Ionian Network of Universities, Regions, Chambers of Commerce and Cities PLUS (AI-NURECC PLUS initiative).

In line with the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region (#EUSAIR) this conference, Follow up of the last Conference “AI-NURECC PLUS CONFERENCE “CREATIVE AND CULTURAL INDUSTRIES IN THE ADRIATIC-IONIAN REGION” held on the 1st December 2021, will map the variety of Creative and Cultural Industries (CCIs) existing in the Adriatic and Ionian Region, explore potential synergies and understand the added value of CCIs for the region.

Europe’s rich cultural heritage and dynamic cultural and creative sectors are a part of European identity. Cultural and creative sectors are comprised of all sectors whose activities are based on cultural values, or other artistic individual or collective creative expressions.

The conference will offer an up to date overview of EU policies and programmes on culture and creativity, with a special focus on the Adriatic-Ionian area.

The two roundtables will bring together experts in the field who have produced studies on the cultural and creative sectors at different levels (EU, macro-regional, national and regional) and professionals from different countries of the Adriatic-Ionian area to share their insights on the added value of cultural and creative experiences for local communities.

Speakers will be asked to address the following questions: How do we measure and compare performances between different CCIs sectors and different countries? Are there any regional, national and macro-regional commonalities at a sectoral or macro-sectoral level? On what pillars should a macro-regional strategy focus to promote cultural and creative industries in the Adriatic-Ionian area? What can be the benefits of Cultural and Creative experiences  for local communities and CC industries.